Saturday, July 5, 2008

My Brother's New Friend

Ok... below you will find a post from my brother's and sister's-in-law blog. They live on the farm and have all kinds of critters... chickens, ducks, dogs, horses, you name it they have it or are trying to get it! For those of you who don't know, my "little" brother, Mike, is 6'8" tall. This was a snake he found near his chicken house when he went looking for eggs on June 29th (last Sunday). I copied the post from Allison (hope you don't mind dear!). AHHHHH... I hate snakes!

The took the snake's head off and it still tried biting!
This snake has no head, y'all!!!

Posted by Allison on July 2, 2008:
"On Sunday Michael was checking for eggs and this is what he found on his way to the chicken coop. It was so weird the snake would actually open it mouth to bite even after is was be headed and it body was still slithering. Mike even commented to me when he came back in that when he through it across the road it finished slithering off of the road. How weird is that?"

Of course, we know that a snake still is able to move after it has been beheaded. I am finding out why... I guess as a teacher, I should know and now that my curiosity is peaked, I am having to find out why.


smithblog said...

EEEEEEEEEEK! I don't mind snakes too much - of course all we have near my house is the little garden snakes (or whatever they are called). That one would have had me running for sure!