Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Yes, we are still here!

Ok, I know! I have been a slacker lately with my blogging. I have had a number of good excuses, the primary one, is just busy!! Between kids being sick, work, sports, it has been crazy. For a while, we had basketball ending and baseball starting. Baseball was much busier this year with more than 2 - 4 games per week, a couple of times 5! We only won 3 games, but it was fun.

I am going to be starting my second year at OES this year. I am very excited! I love it there. Now, that I have a better idea of how things run there, I am hoping to have a little more time on my hands this school year for things such as a blogging. For some reason, I didn't take many pictures in May. I didn't get as many pictures of the baseball season. It is hard to take pictures and chase Zach around the ball park!

I am going to start with January posts and work my way up to May. Enjoy! I will do better... I promise!