Sunday, January 13, 2008


This is an email that I sent out today -- I think. It is just an update on Zach. Have a great week.

I am not sure who all has heard and I apologize for not letting everyone know earlier in the week. We have been exhausted and this is probably the second time I have been on the computer since last Monday.
Zach has been a little sick this week. He was up all night Monday -- literally up all night -- screaming. We assumed it was the tooth that was cutting through. There were no signs that indicated we should be worried. Tuesday was about the same. He did cut part of a tooth, so we just chalked it up to that. Wednesday when David got him from daycare he noticed his right ear was oozing a little. I got home and looked at it and thought it was just draining from the tooth. That is not unheard of and he wasn't displaying any signs of being in pain or pulling on his ears. We went ahead and took DJ to his religion class that night and Zach and I went out to my dad's house. Daddy and Jackie and I were all looking at his ear. The fluid had gotten a little cloudier and concerned me. We decided to wait and take him to the doctor in the morning and see our regular pediatrician. When I left to go get DJ, he wouldn't take his cup of juice, and he was just not happy. A friend of mine, Erika, looked at his ear and we agreed it could probably wait until Dr. Ray's office opened in the morning. When I put him in the car, he SCREAMED!!! I looked at his ear and the fluid had changed colors and wouldn't stop coming out. I called David and he met us at the Patients' First After Hours. Dr. Keel is awesome! We were there for about 2 and 1/2 hours. David took DJ home because it was so late. Dr. Keel finally came in about 9 p.m. or so. Zach tested positive for strep, his right ear drum had burst (probably Monday night when he was screaming so) and his left ear is infected. His white cell count was over 25,000. That concerned Dr. Keel more than anything. Zach got some meds and a shot and SLEPT all night.
David took him to Dr. Ray Thursday morning for a follow-up appointment. He upped the dosage of antibiotics and gave us some ear drops. We also have an appointment on the 21st with an ENT to discuss tubes and what we need to do from here. Zach now has a severe diaper rash from the antibiotics. It is clearing up finally. He hasn't slept well the past two nights, but maybe now that is his hinny is feeling better and his ears are feeling better, he can sleep again.
Like I said, I haven't been on the computer at home all week. So, I apologize for not letting the family know that I didn't. Grandparents took first priority and then it was watching him like a hawk and making sure DJ stayed out of his face so he didn't get strep.